April updates: hex grid guide, load time #

The past 7 weeks I've been working on my guide to hexagonal grids. Over the years I accumulated a long list of TO DO items on my Trello page, and I finally went through that list and implemented lots of them. Two blog posts ago I described rewriting it from an imperative style to a declarative style, and switching from manual to automatic dependency tracking. In the last blog post I described many of the improvements I made to the diagrams, including several new ones.

As I've added to the page over the years, it's become slower and slower. The main problem is the page loading time. The HTML loads, then the Javascript loads, then the Javascript runs to create the diagrams, sample code, and some of the text of the page. If you follow a link to a specific section, the browser jumps to that section, but then the layout changes as more content is added to the page by the Javascript. This is an unpleasant experience.


April updates: hex grid guide, iteration #

One of my goals this year is to iterate more. I have a tendency to "launch" a page and then move on to the next topic. Instead, for the first few months of the year I decided I would go through my existing pages to:

  1. figure out how the content could be better (explanations, diagrams, user interface, little details)
  2. figure out how the tech could be better (load time, animation code, diagramming code, code structure)

Over the past 6 weeks I've been working on my guide to hexagonal grids. I first worked on the tech, switching from an imperative style to a declarative style, and also switching to a library with automatic dependency tracking. Then I worked on content updates, some of which I described in my previous blog post. In the past week I've been going through my list on trello and implementing more content updates:

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April updates: hex grid guide #

“We can rebuild it—we have the technology.”

Over the past few weeks I've been reimplementing my guide to hexagonal grids. I'm generally not a fan of rewrites that have no end-user benefits but there are lots of improvements I want to make to the page, and the convoluted code was making it harder to make the changes I wanted. I ended up spending 60 hours on this, reduced the number of lines of code from 2400 to 1400, and reduced the total Javascript sent to the browser (gzipped) from 85k to 54k. A large part of this was rewriting the diagrams to use Vue.js instead of D3.js. As much as I love D3, there's not much on the hexagon guide that benefits from it, and I ended up using it as a nicer JQuery. In a previous blog post I described wanting dependency tracking. That's why Vue.js worked well for this page. I think React would've been a reasonable choice as well, but on this page Vue fit my needs better.

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