Types of projects #

When I started writing articles on my site, sometimes I had great results, like writing the hexagonal grid guide in 6 weeks, and sometimes I had terrible results, like writing article about curved roads in 5 months. I eventually realized that the difference was that with hexagons, I understood the topic well, but with curved paths, I spent most of the time trying to understand the topic. To make matters worse, because I had a high standard for my articles, I spent too much time trying to polish the article about curved paths, even before I understood it well.

Back in 2013 I decided to create a separate directory /x/YYWW-name/ where I'd put the lower effort and experimental pages, numbered by year and week. For example, 1942-isometric means year 2019, week 42. Over the last few years I've realized I do two different types of projects:

Curved region rendering #

Around a month ago I had an idea in my head: a voronoi grid modified to have rounded cells that change in size. I made an attempt here for single cells changing size. The next step was to merge cells together, as I had done on this project. I decided that the way to demo this would be to simulate some kind of belief/cultural systems that spread over time across a map. I tried this here.

Screenshot of influence map experiment


Procedurally generated annotations #

Imagine exploring this dungeon:

Dungeon map
Procedurally generated dungeon map
