Making-of: circle drawing page #
People sometimes ask me how I write my interactive tutorials. I started out using d3.js, and five years ago I wrote an interactive tutorial about how I made interactive pages with d3.js. I recreated a diagram from my line drawing tutorial, which was implemented in d3.js. I now use Vue.js v2, so I wrote a new tutorial about how I make interactive pages with Vue. I recreated several diagrams from my circle drawing tutorial.
One letter variable names #
I admit I use one letter variable names in my code. But which names? Here's what I use in for
# rg 'for \(let . ?=' # | perl -pe 's/.*let //g' | perl -pe 's/=.*//g' # | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head 509 i 132 x 122 y 118 r 57 t 53 q 47 j 43 s 31 e 14 k
Labels: code
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