My personal information workflow, part 2 #
In part one I described the kinds of things I asked myself when deciding on how to manage my personal information — bookmarks, references, notes, tasks, contacts, etc. The answer is: I don't have a single consistent system that I use for everything. I use many incompatible systems depending on where I am and what my goal is.
My personal information workflow, part 1 #
Several people have asked me how I organize my projects. There are various systems out there like David Allen's Getting Things Done, Taiichi Ohno's Kanban boards (e.g. Trello), Ryder Carroll's Bullet journal, Niklas Luhmann's zettlekasten (e.g. Roam Research), Dave Seah's Emergent Task Planner, and many more.
There's a danger in spending too much time organizing my projects instead of working on my projects. Questions I asked myself:
Hex diagram labels #
A few weeks ago a reader suggested the labels on my hex diagrams for the "cube" coordinate system could be improved. I took a look at what I had: