I've been trying to get better at throwing away code. I used to be a packrat. I saved every receipt, every bill, every check, every bank statement, every page of notes I took in class, every textbook, and so on. Eventually I started letting go of most of these things. Class notes were the hardest though. I had put so much effort into them; how I could throw them out?

I realized that I was making the same mistake that I make with market prices. I expect prices to reflect the cost of making the item. But in many cases, prices reflect what it's worth to the buyer. In this case, I was saving my notes because they cost a lot to produce. But they don't have much value to me in terms of looking things up. I haven't used them in over ten years, and Wikipedia and other online sources are better references. So I finally threw away my class notes.

I find that I have the same problem with code. It takes effort to write, so I feel like I should save it. But sometimes it's the wrong code or it's solving the wrong problem. There are times when the best thing to do is to throw it away.

To make it easier to throw away code, I'm trying to reduce the cost of producing it, especially when I'm less sure about how long I'll need it or whether it's the right way to go. This is not only helpful for me psychologically, but I think it's the right thing to do engineering-wise. Note that this is the opposite of the conventional wisdom — that you should put lots of effort up front into “doing things right”, because it'll pay off later.

Keeping costs down recently paid off for me.

While playing Transport Tycoon a few weeks ago, I was thinking about modular airports, and how it related to my transportation mini-game that's on indefinite hold. I'm not working on any games right now, but instead working on little bits and pieces that might end up being part of a game. Or at the very least I'll learn a lot by working on these components. One of the open questions I've had when thinking about a transportation game is how I should represent roads and vehicles (or rails and trains). I sketched some ideas on paper, and then decided on a representation of road segments:

  public class Path {
    public var id:int;
    public var next:int; // index

    // Positions are in world coordinates, not Flash coordinates
    public var beginPosition:Point;
    public var beginOrientation:Point;
    public var endPosition:Point;
    public var endOrientation:Point;

    public var length:Number;

    public function Path(id_:int) {
      id = id_;

I then set up some test segments and made vehicles go around on them:

I had convinced myself that inside an airport or container port, the vehicles could move around in loops, and that would be sufficient for a game. Even if I needed branching, I could change my Path class from having a single next pointer to multiple next pointers.

I was quite happy with the vehicle and road representation. I had a coordinate system that allowed vehicles to detect if someone's in front of them, and to slowly come to a stop before they collided. By using a loop I had eliminated the problem of start and end points.

A few days later I tried sketching out what the player would do. It turned out that there wasn't much. I spent some time thinking about why Transport Tycoon's station management was interesting, and my prototype was not, and realized that what's interesting is updating the station over time to deal with changes in the game world. If players spent most of their time on updates rather than initial design, the road shouldn't be a loop. It should support adding temporary routes, closing existing routes, demolishing routes, building new routes, and so on. Those operations work better with a completely different representation of roads. And that meant I should throw away my representation and associated code (rendering, etc.).

If you look at the class I wrote, it's trivial. Everything's public. There are no getters and setters, no methods, a trivial constructor, and no tests. I tried hard to follow YouArentGonnaNeedIt and DoTheSimplestThingThatCouldPossiblyWork. Throwing it away is easy, because there's so little work put into it. Having the old version saved in version control helps me feel okay with removing the code in the current version.

Although I'm throwing away code, there are some ideas I'm keeping. I learned some things, and the first approach is what got me thinking about the new approach. The process was valuable, even if the code was not. And I've started working on the next approach, which I'll try to keep as simple as the first one. I still have a packrat instinct, but I'm working on conquering it.



Amit wrote at May 10, 2009 10:18 PM

If you are interested in complex road representations, take a look at this paper [PDF]. I'm trying to keep my system simpler than that, because I don't need to model real world roads and only have to handle a simpler game world.

Kiifu wrote at May 11, 2009 1:49 PM

I'm glad to see that your realising that your "throwing away" of code is not entirely wasteful. That method hasn't worked for you and so now your trying something new. You've learned something from the process which hopefully will help you with your next project.

Jotaf wrote at May 11, 2009 4:22 PM

I always figure that it's good to keep a "let's try it and see how it goes" mentality rather than grand plans. Those plans usually arise naturally while you're tinkering with the quick-and-dirty project, and since they're the product of some hands-on experience, they're usually better than what I come up with when I sit for a few days "thinking straight" (which is a misnomer IMO). Congrats! :)

zzzzrrr wrote at May 12, 2009 3:26 AM

Saving old code isn't such a bad thing, especially when you share it in a public repository. Storage is cheap these days, and your work may be valuable to someone else at a later date.

makc wrote at October 16, 2009 11:11 AM

Damn, I start to like this blog! I'm not saying it to put the link here, just I can really relate to what you say in that part about psychology behind making things (notes or code in this instance)... More posts like this, please!

Anonymous wrote at August 19, 2010 11:35 PM

Nice blog. I learn a lot from you.